Helping Seniors
Address the needs of Rural areas of Texas such as Medical Access and/or medical specialist, access to Fiber Optic and high-speed internet and/or satellite cell phones especially for emergency use and personnel.
Protecting Medicare
Medicaid presents related, but somewhat different challenges. As the dominant force in the health market with regard to long-term care, births, and persons with mental illness, it is the next frontier of welfare reform. It is simply too big and too flawed to be administered from Washington.
Creating Jobs
Work with manufactures and distributors and convince them to relocate or create warehouses to stimulate the creation of new jobs and employment opportunities. Help small businesses recover and or obtain financial recovery from Government shutdowns during Covid-19 pandemic. Seeking tax breaks or forgivable loans and other relief opportunities for Small Business to regain loss profit during the Covid-19 pandemic. Fight any and all bills that taxes small to medium businesses in which said money goes either out of Texas, United States or helps to fund other countries.
Growing Our Economy
The fundamentals necessary for economic growth are a stable currency, the enforcement of contracts, the security of property rights, the accuracy of information in the market, and above all, the freedom of individuals to enjoy the fruit of their labor and to negotiate freely with others to exchange their goods and services under mutually acceptable terms.